четверг, 28 ноября 2013 г.

7th   National TEFL / 3rd Mongolia TESOLInternational Conference
October 4 – 6, 2013, Ulaanbaatar

English language teachers’ association of Mongolia (ELTAM) founded in 1997 aims to develop English language teachers at nationwide level and promotes all kinds of English programs. It supports English languageteachers’ development and, therefore, its one of the major activities is organizing an annual conference to bring teachers together for sharing teaching practices and experiences and promote their networking. This year there will be the 7th TEFL and 3rd Mongolia TESOL International Conference held at the Mongolian University Science and Technology, Ulaanbaatar.

The Annual TEFL Conference organized by ELTAM will be held on October 4-6, 2013 under thetheme SHARING LANGUAGE LEARNING EXPERIENCES.University and secondary school teachers, prospective students, ELT professionals and educators are invited to present and participate in the conference. If you would like to present at the conference, please download the presenter proposal form on the website provided below. There is also an opportunity to volunteer during the conference preparation and organization. It is possible to contact us through e-mail or telephone.

Telephone: 99279476, 88108177
Our website: www.mongoliatesol.mn

7th   National TEFL / 3rd Mongolia TESOLInternational Conference
October 4 – 6, 2013, Ulaanbaatar

Details of Presenter
First Name: ___________________________ Last Name: ____________________________
Title (Mr. / Mrs. / Miss / Ms. / Prof / Dr.)
School/Company name: __________________________________________________________
Bio (30 word limit):

Email address:

Format of Presentation
¨ paper (45 minutes)
¨ demonstration/workshop (45 minutes)
¨ demonstration/workshop (90 minutes)
¨ poster (2 hours)

Equipment Needs
¨ None
¨ Whiteboard/Blackboard
¨ LCD projector
¨ Overhead projector

Content Focus
Please check ONE in each column
Please check ONE
Please check ONE
¨ Classroom Teaching/Methods
¨ Primary Level
¨ Classroom Materials/Content
¨ Secondary Level
¨ Teacher Training/Development
¨ College/University

Title of Presentation (maximum of 10 words)

Abstract for Program book (40 word maximum)
Your abstract must accurately reflect the content of your presentation as this is what conference goers will see in the conference program.

Summary Description (250 word maximum)
Your summary should outline exactly what you intend to present and how your presentation is structured.  This is for proposal reviewers only and will not be printed in the conference program.

Please make sure that you have completed all sections.  Send your application to mongoliatefl@gmail.com as an email attachment.  In the subject line type: your name and TEFL 2013 Proposal.
o   The deadline for submitting your proposal is SEPTEMBER 20, 2013.
o   Submitted proposals will receive notification of acceptance by September 30, 2013.
o   Any proposals received after the deadline will be placed on a waiting list.

General Criteria for Selection
Factors in the selection process include: clarity, appropriateness for the intended audience (i.e. primary teachers, secondary teachers, university teachers, teacher trainers, etc.), quality of research and activities, and indications that the presentation will be well prepared, carefully thought out and encourage discussion.
Format of Presentation
Proposals for three types of presentations are being solicited: (1) papers (2) demonstrations/workshops (3) poster sessions.  Below are descriptions of each:

¨ paper (45 minutes)
An oral summary, with occasional reference to notes or a text, which describes or discusses something that the presenter is doing or has done in relation to theory or practice.  A PowerPoint presentation may accompany a paper. Participants listen, they take notes, and they then are encouraged to ask questions. Handouts and audiovisual aids may be used. It is important to note that a paper presentation is explained to the audience; it is not read verbatim to the participants.

¨ demonstration/workshop (45 or 90 minutes)
Shows, rather than discusses, a technique for teaching or testing. No more than 5 or 10 minutes is spent explaining the theory underlying the technique. The presenter teaches the attendees something.  It is similar to teaching a class.  At the end of the session, the people who participated should know the technique well enough to do it in their own classes. The presenter provides handouts and may use audiovisual aids.  The important thing is that all of the audience is involved in the presentation.  The amount of time for the session depends on the technique being demonstrated.

¨ poster (2 hours)
A poster is an exhibit of techniques, activities or methods that permits informal discussion with attendees during the 2-hour time period the poster is on display. The exhibit is presented on a large paper or cardboard poster that is taped to a board.  There may also be additional materials on a table under the poster.  The poster should include a title; the name and institutional affiliation of the presenter(s); and a brief text with clearly labeled photos, drawings, graphs, or charts.  The presenter stands by the poster and display, explains it, and answers questions asked by the people that stop and look.  There will be many posters in the same room. No electronic equipment such as computers or projectors should be used.

Title of Presentation
Ø  Must be clear and accurately reflect the content
Ø  10 words maximum
21 Silencebreakers!to enhance participation and move students beyond silence (10 words)
Effective Reading Strategies in the EFL Classroom (7 words)
Abstract for Program book
Ø  40 wordsmaximum
Ø  Use the 3rd person (i.e. The presenter demonstrates … he/she explores …)
Ø  Do not refer to published works
Ø  The abstract will be printed in the conference program so be sure to edit and proofread it carefully.
Ø  The abstract must accurately reflect the content of your presentation so that conference goers will be able to decide whether this is a presentation they wish to attend.
Sample:Silencebreakers! are brief activities, suggestions or methods collected and adapted by the presenter to get reticent students speaking.  Participants will be exposed to more than twenty activities in this fast paced workshop, and receive a comprehensive handout. (37 words)
Summary Description
Ø  Maximum of 250 words
Ø  Have a clearly stated purpose and point of view (Be sure to show how you are applying it to the classroom and/or the context)
Ø  Include supporting details and/or examples
Ø  Your presentation should show evidence of current practice or research
Ø  Use one of the formats listed above (e.g. paper, workshop, poster)
Ø  Typed, double-spaced and readable
Ø  Spell out acronyms and/or abbreviations
Ø  Remember that this is what reviewers will read to evaluate your proposal

Sample: 21 Silencebreakers!  to enhance participation and move students beyond silence
It happens to each of us, no matter the age or English level of our students; there are days when one, two, or even the entire class just won’t participate.  Teachers and students both feel frustration mounting as the normal good spirits of the class fade. “How can I get them to talk,” we wonder.  The presenter will lead participants through a month’s worth of Silencebreakers!
Silencebreakers!are brief activities, suggestions or methods collected and adapted by the presenter to get reticent students speaking. They enhance inter-cultural communication and offer a perspective on classroom management that is both innovative and non-threatening. Some are appropriate to pair or group work, some to individual tasks, yet others to whole class lessons.  Designed to be used with a minimum of prep time, and to utilize materials on hand, Silencebreakers!will become indispensable tools in the communicative EFL classroom.  (For example, in the “paper clip trick,” a shy student is given six paper clips to hold in the right hand. When a verbal response is offered, the student transfers one clip to the left hand; six transfers earn a reward.)
Participants will be exposed to more than twenty activities in this fast paced workshop, and have the opportunity to create their own expansions and variations.  The comprehensive handouts will provide a guide and insure that participants have a unique activity to use each day of the month. Discussion and questions will be encouraged. The presenter will use Silence breakers as needed to ensure audience participation. (250 words)
Attendees want to receive a copy of the handouts used in presentations they attend.  Consider the following suggestions:
Ø  Prepare easy to follow handouts
Ø  Presenters should provide enough handouts for room capacity and be prepared with extra copies (the confirmation letter will inform presenters of the room capacity) 
Ø  Provide a copy of your handout(s) to the TEFL Conference Committee so that they can make additional copies in an emergency
Ø  Label your handout(s) with your name and the title of your presentation.  You may also include contact information so attendees may contact you with follow up questions and discussion
Ø  Edit your handouts so they are error free.  Use spell/grammar check on your computer or ask a native English speaker to edit your handout(s)

Thank you for your volunteering time, expertise and energy to prepare a presentation that will provide attendees with valuable professional information. Please know that your professional service is much appreciated by your colleagues on the TEFL Conference Committee, and, more importantly, by your colleagues who will be attending your session.

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