пятница, 11 октября 2013 г.

Workshop. System approach

System approach -- is the procedure by which any system is considered as a set of interrelated elements.
The activity approach is an approach to the organization of training process, in which the problem of self-determination of the student in the learning process. Activity is always a purposeful system, aimed at the result.
Purpose of the activity approach is to nurture the personality of the child as the subject of life.
Be subject to - be master of its activity: set goals, - to solve problems, - be responsible for the results.
The main idea of the system-activity approach is that new knowledge is not given in the box. Children «open» them in the process of independent research activity. The teacher should organize the research work of children, that they think to solve the lesson and themselves have explained how to act in the new conditions.

The structure of the lessons of the introduction of new knowledge and the features of some of its stages in the system-activity approach are as follows (the names of the phases conditional):
1. Acquisition of initial experience and motivation.
2. To obtain the theoretical knowledge about the new way
(the algorithm) actions.
3. Training in the application of the set algorithm,
clarification of relationships, self-control and correction.
In the framework of the activity approach in foreign language lessons is expedient to use the steam room to work. Examples of methods steam room work:
1. The use of the method
Ривина A.G. Each student gets the theme and works through it piece by piece in pairs removable compositions. Names of parts is written in the book. After working the full text of the students speaks on the topic.
2. The reverse technique Ривина A.G. can be used when compiling the or as a preparation for the recast text according to the plan.
Every student receives a detailed plan of your topic. His task is to plan to restore the content of the theme of the texts, which have different students.
3. Methods of transfer of those intended for the organization of studying the theoretical educational material on the basis of the work of students in pairs. 1 student pair repeats one rule 2 the student of the second rule. First 1 explains reminds teaches second, checks the level of his understanding. Then students change their roles.
Examples of methods of group work:
1. The method “cut information”. Teams of students, each of the students is only part of the information necessary for the performance of any of the learning task. Students had to take turns to teach each other and help each other.
2. The method of “learning together”. In heterogeneous groups of children are working on the theme or vocabulary. After this group compare results of their work.
3. The method of projects. Students looking for information they need to perform and presentation.
• expansion of students ' knowledge about the customs, traditions, history Hori Buryat;
• stimulating interest in learning English language and culture Hori Buryat;
• formation of positive motivation teachings, readiness to perceive the culture of his country.
• to develop skills of listening with the General understanding of what is heard;
• develop the skills of monologic statements on the basis of the read text;
• continue to work on developing students ' skills and abilities of self-expression in English.

Teacher (T) Good morning everybody! Take your seats, please. Let’ start.
Whom can you see in this picture?  Why is she surrounded by swans? Whom do you see in this picture?
Start your sentences using these phrases (учащиеся начинают свои предложения фразами на таблице: I think: ; As I see it:; I would say, that:; I guess:;
In my opinion; To my mind:; It seems to me:)
T: These all were your suggestion. Now let's find out what is on these pictures. Let us watch one video about these people and things
We have just listened to the text. Can we answer.  Whom can you see in this picture?  Why is she surrounded by swans? Whom do you see in this picture?
I'm sure, you know
T . Now let’s do some tasks to know how well you’ve understood the information about modern flags Hori
Task. Match the parts of the sentences.
1. Flag of Eravninsky aimag is made
2. The upper blue color symbolizes
 3. On the flag we see a white swan
4. There existents symbol of  Hori
5. In the middle of the Kishinga flag stands Subarga "Dzharun Khashor",
6. The yellow color is.
7. The middle white
a) mother of Hori
b) separates two worlds - top and bottom, and gives balance.
c) the eternal blue sky.
d) in the form of a five-color Hadak
e) which was constructed only in our area, after Nepal.
f) - swan. 11 yurts represent 11 genera of Hori.
g) a golden sun

We have traveled on the Hori earth, learned brief account of its history, flags and coats of arms. And now, very briefly, we learn the spiritual world where live the modern Hori. How is Hori traditional culture reflected through the symbolism.
S1 – S2
S3 – S4
Read and retell your paragraph. Work in group. Student 1 tells the student 2 your paragraph. Student 2 ask questions. Student 2 tells the student 1 own paragraph.
Then the pupil 1 tells its own paragraph the student 3. and Vice versa
And now for you creative task illustrate the text using the key proposals. Presentation of the executed works. the group protects its work
Dear colleagues! Now we are at the final stage of our workshop and I propose to evaluate the results of our joint activities.
(«Continue phrase...»)
As mentioned earlier, one of the most common receptions of reflection is синквейн. Let's summarize our today's work and make синквейн.

Depending on the content, character and results of operations, we used various types of reflection:
cognitive - that I realized, as I worked, what methods are used which have led to the result, what was wrong and why, I now have solved the problem...;
- social - as we worked in the group, as were the roles, how we dealt with them, what mistakes were made in the organization of work...;
- psychological - how I felt, did I work in a group, with the job, or not, why and how (with whom) I wish I was and why
Thus, the increased desire of students to an active, independent search for knowledge, to cooperation, dialogue, change the style and content of the interaction of the teacher and student in the side of the dialog, the active interaction. Activity technologies allow me to create conditions for personal growth in my students.

Shonoeva Diana, 7 th form
teacher - Tsybikova S.Sh.
Legends of Hori-Buryat
Babzha Baras Baatar
There are interesting legends and stories about the historical figure, Taizhou (Prince) hori-Buryat Babzha Baras-bator, who in the seventeenth century, who joined the fight against the Manchu aggression. It's about the hero who protects your people, praised Herculean strength, mastery of the bow.
Among the steppe in Yaruuna towering majestic stone sculptures, and the marvelous beauty of the majestic gaze attack opens the legendary Babzhi Baras-Bator - Hora-Shuluun, which means stone fence. Most involve the stone pillars that seem large hedge or defensive attack, in which are divided into three separate parts, and on the south side lined with loose stones, like the door. According to legend, Babzhi Baras-Bator with his brothers built a stone fence to stop the onslaught of enemies at night and close your herd.
To the South-West from HoreoShuluun there is a beautiful stone overhand with the height of 4-5 meters. There are some caves inside it where the height is 2 meters and the width is 3 meters. Besides there is a stone ground of Babzha-BarasBator with the hill of half a metre, the length of 4-5 metres the width of 2-3 metres. There is also a dent in the middle of the ground, where there was Babzha-Baras Bator’s head of the bed and body. Further there is a train of rocky poles with the height of 5-6 metres and its circle is 100 metres. Moreover there is anancient alphabet on the exterior side of the rock.
Shonoeva Diana

The origin of Hori Buryats
The book "The Secret History of the Mongols," says: "The ancestor of Genghis Khan Bүrte-Shono lived with his wife Gua Maral in the area of Burhan Khaldun and here was born his son Bata Sagaan." Bata Sagaan has a son Dobu Mergen, which married Alan-goa.
Father of Alan-Goa Horidoy became the first noyon Hori-Tumat. He had three wives - Bargudzhin-goa, daughter Barguday - Mergen, Sharaldai and Nagaaday. From Bargudzhin-goa he had one daughter - Alan-goa, born in Arik Us. She was mother of Bordjigin – great grandfather of Genghis Khan.
    Goa Maral     Alan - Goa
Horidoy by his second wife had sons: Galzut, Huatsay, Hubdut, Sharayt and Guchid, and from the third wife - Hargan, Hood Bodongut, Halban, Batanay Sagan. Continuing to multiply, children have become heads of 11 genera, and due to the fact that the name of their father was just Horiday common name them, according to this, it was called by Hori. The names of the sons are called top 11 Horinsk birth.
During the Mongol rule tribe Hori was withdrawn in northeastern Mongolia, where he lived until the early 16th century, getting into a relationship to one, then the other small Mongol Khanate.
After all, when the matriarch of Hori was daughter Buyant Zasag Khan from Inner Mongolia and noble horinki Shene Gerel, Balzhin Hatan, who married the son of the Mongol-Noyon Buubey Bailey Give Huntayzhi, Hori went from Mongolia to their land, as they were leaving in the IX century. Following them was equipped chase Buubey-Bailey returned the back his son, running away with his wife, and later caught and Balzhin-Hatan. People Buubey Bailey killed her, and cutting off his chest, threw them into the lake, making it became white. Hori called this lake Balzhin-Nuur.
when the matriarch of Hori was Balzhin Hatan, Hori went from Mongolia to their land, which they were leaving in the IX century.
  Baldzin Hatan. Picture: Лариса Эрдынеева

«Бурятия (Еравна) и Монголия (Тув аймаг): стратегии и перспективы иноязычного образования»
14-19 июля 2013 г.
География проекта - Еравнинский район Республики Бурятия, Улан-Удэ, с. Максимиха Баргузинского района.
Участники проекта:
Учителя МБОУ «Сосново-Озёрская сош№1»
Учителя иностранных языков Еравнинского района.
Директора школ Еравнинского района
Директора ряда школ Тув аймаг Монголии
Специалисты по преподаванию иностранного языка Департамента образования и культуры Тув аймаг Монголии
Учителя английского и русского языков Тув аймаг Монголии
Руководитель проекта: Цыбикова С.Ж (СОСШ-1)
Организационная группа: Климова Л.А. (СОСШ-2); Санжиева С.Б. (Исингинская сош); Доржиева Л.Ц. (Гундинская сош.); Жамбалова И.В. (СОСШ-1)
Актуальность проекта состоит в том, в процессе профессиональной и социально-коммуникативной практики формируются у учителей умения и навыки  межкультурной коммуникации, изучение поликультуры для развития навыков эффективного межкультурного взаимодействия между народами России и Монголии в условиях диалоговой среды на основе компетентностного подхода.
Цели: расширение границ познания иной историко-культурной среды и образовательного пространства; развитие межкультурного взаимодействия, уважительного отношения  и интереса к сопредельным странам и народам; приобретение опыта творческой педагогической деятельности, опыта проектно-исследовательской работы с использованием английского языка.
В процессе проведения международного проекта можно выделить следующие этапы:
Первый этап: подготовительный: организационная и содержательная подготовка к приезду делегации из Монголии;
Второй этап: основной: реализация проекта на территории Бурятии.
Третий этап: завершающий: подведение итогов, вручение сертификатов и награждение участников проекта, отъезд монгольской делегации.
Четвертый этап: рефлексия:  Подготовка отчета по итогам проекта, подготовка научных публикаций в журнале «Иностранные языки в школе», подготовка статей в СМИ.
Реализация международного проекта на территории Бурятии, которая включает 4 направления:
1 направление: Международная конференция  «Иноязычное образование: стратегии и перспективы» Знакомство с опытом работы бурятской школы. Знакомство с   условиями и технологиями обучения.
2 направление:  Исследовательское иноязычное образование – путь к развитию ключевых компетенций будущего. Предусматривается проведение круглого стола «Учитель иностранного языка: формирования ключевых компетентностей» 
3 направление: Мини-конкурс «Лингвиния» среди учителей английского языка.
4 направление: Сбор информации по Бурятии (историко-культурные и природные памятники).

Программа пребывания монгольской делегации в Бурятии
1 день:
14.07   .
Выезд из Монголии. Ориентировочное время прибытия 19:00-20:00 часов.
Встреча в Улан-Удэ
Размещение в гостинице «Брандмайор»
Установка на следующий день, орг. дела, обмен валюты.
2 день:
Выезд в Еравну.
Встреча делегации на границе Еравны. Концерт ансамбля «Аялга»
Экскурсия по саду камней, организованная учащимися на английском языке.
Посещение Ступы Будды медицины и местности Хорой шулуун в Маракте. Экскурсия по Марактинской долине проведена на английском языке учителем Сосново-Озёрской сош 1 Цыбиковой С.Ж.
Посещение Эгитуйского дацана. Экскурсия по дацану проведена на английском языке учителем Исингинской сош Санжиевой С.Б.
Прибытие в с. Сосново-Озёрское.
Размещение в Дали.
Посещение музея имени Сампилова
3 день:
Конференция «Иноязычное образование: стратегии и перспективы». Обмен опытом.
Экскурсия по школе №1. Посещение школы №2. Знакомство с   условиями и технологиями обучения.
Культурная программа ТОС «Улан-Еравна»
Отдых на озере Большая Еравна.
Спортивные мероприятия
Приёмный обед в кафе. Встреча с руководством района. Просмотр фильма «Лазоревое поле Еравны» и «Тув аймаг и Еравна» .
4 день:
Завтрак в Дали
Выезд на Байкал.
Обед по дороге
Размещение гостинице села Максимиха на Байкале.
Пешая и водная экскурсия по Байкалу
Свободное время
5 день:
Отдых на озере Байкал.
Проведение круглого стола «Учитель иностранного языка: формирования ключевых компетентностей» в конференц-зале гостиницы. Организатор – Цыбикова С.Ж. 
Мини-конкурс «Лингвиния» среди учителей английского языка. Организатор Жамбалова И.В.

6 день:
Выезд в У-У
Прибытие в У-У. Размещение в гостинице «Брандмайор». Монгольская делегация получило проектное задание «Монголия в пространстве Улан-Удэ».
Выезд в Иволгинский дацан. Поклонение нетленному телу хамбо-ламы Итигилова
Посещение этнографического музея
Шопинг по Арбату. Прогулка по У-У
Свободное время
Торжественный ужин. Вручение сувениров, сертификатов.  
На заключительном торжественном ужине, делегация по группам замечательно представили  защиту проекта «Монголия в пространстве Улан-Удэ», отмечая монгольское присутствие в архитектуре, в памятниках, в баннерах, вывесках  и др.

Подводя итоги участия в образовательной экспедиции, монгольские учителя, специалисты и директора отметили, насыщенность мероприятий, познавательность и занимательность групповой проектной работы, и новое понимание соседней, такой близкой, но уже отдаляющейся Бурятии.

Таким образом, международный образовательный проект, задуманный как способ изучения систем иноязычного образования в современной России и Монголии, превзошел первоначальные целевые установки, раздвинул границы познания иной историко-культурной среды и образовательного пространства, привел к более существенным результатам в становлении опыта межкультурного взаимодействия, уважительного отношения  и интереса к сопредельным странам и народам.
Эти очевидные для всех участников проекта эффекты  позволяют отнести его к инновационным формам профессиональной деятельности работников образования, которые эффективно отвечают на вызовы современного мира, актуализируют роль иноязычного образования в становлении личности.